HubSpot Sales Enterprise

With HubSpot, you'll know who's interested in your products and services without even asking.  You can see who visits your website in real time, how often they visit, and which pages they're most interested in.

To keep these prospects from slipping through the cracks, draft a sequence of personalized emails and reminders, set a delivery schedule, and then each follow-up will hit their inbox automatically.

And when they open an email, click a link, or download an attachment, it's logged for quick reference, and you'll get notified instantly.


Automate Outreach 

Queue up a sequence of personalized follow-up emails and reminders that get delivered automatically at the right time.

Create and Share Email Templates.

Turn repetitive emails into templates, measure their performance, and share the best ones with your entire team.

Follow Up Flawlessly

Get notified the instant prospects open an email, click a link, or open an attachment for timely, relevant follow-up with the hottest leads.

Land More Meetings.

Connect with prospects through live chat on your website, and eliminate the back-and-forth emails and missed calls by sending a link that lets leads pick a meeting time that works for both of you.

Make Deals, Not Data Entries.

Eliminate manual entry as every lead’s contact info, email opens, and clicks get logged automatically. Automate time-consuming tasks like lead rotation, task creation, and more.

Track Your Entire Pipeline.

Sync with HubSpot CRM to track deals won, lost, and in progress, and to see which reps are your best performers (and why).

How we work

Streamlined process

We have a structured process, which is a combination between agile and stage gate because we need the flexibility that agile models provide and the risk mitigation that the stage gate model provides.

  • sales process
  • sales management framework
  • KPI breakdown


We always start with a workshop to align expectations and a presentation of the project to the primary stakeholders. If needed we conduct a number of awareness sessions, where we introduce the project, why it is important, what employees can expect and what key role they have in turning this into a successful project that will benefit the whole organization.

Always in the loop

At any given time, you can get an update on the progression of the project by entering our project management system. Just reach out to for access.

Back to HubSpot or local partner

After we have implemented HubSpot Sales Enterprise we hand the client back to you or to the partner along with a report. The report states what we have done and how we have done it.


Our integration specialists work with huge databases and complex multi peered integrations on a daily basis. We have a vast experience with Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics (ERP, CRM) and SAP.

Sales content
Our international team of content creators are ready to produce kick-ass content, that helps convert hot leads into "closed won". We work with sales play and work with the tools and methods we teach every day.

Every day more than 70 employees in Avidly work with HubSpot. Our support setup will be able to provide first- second- and third line support when needed.

 Why work with Avidly?

Understanding sales and sales dynamics are key to setting up HubSpot the right way. Our consultants have all worked +10 years with sales, sales management and building businesses.

Our process is designed to uncover the fundamental needs of a sales organization and convert that into a reliable processes that delivers attractive outcomes.

We will get you:

  • higher efficiency, because we automate a number of manual tasks
  • more time spent with high impact customers, because we are able to present “most likely to close” leads
  • a catalogue of sales ideas that close deals
  • access to our best practice library
Jesper Toft

Book a clarification call

If you want to explore your options, book a call with our Head of Sales Enablement, Jesper Toft, right here:


Book a meeting with Jesper