Creating a kick-ass marketing strategy is one thing, but a kick-ass video marketing strategy? ...
Compared to inbound marketing, account-based marketing (ABM) is a more strategic approach on how you target specific companies as opposed to casting a wider net to capture as much traffic as possible. That means you need to think about the type of companies you want to work with and figure out the type of content you should send them as this strategic approach differs from the usual inbound tactics.
Here are four types of inbound content you should deliver in your ABM strategy.
1. Case Studies
Considering the goal of an ABM strategy is to pursue fewer accounts and convert a lot more of them, case study content is a good piece of content you should use. Depending on the sector you’re targeting, a case study is an opportunity for you to showcase how you’ve helped them before.
It’s too easy to make the companies you’ve targeted lose interest through your case studies. For example, if the content within is about a company in a different sector and of no use to the types of companies or accounts that you want to work with, then it’s easy for them to switch off as they might assume you can’t help them.
That's why case studies should be relevant to the small number of companies you’re targeting. They need to read the case studies and relate to the companies you’ve previously helped so they’re more inclined to get in touch and want to receive the same treatment and results.
When the companies you’re targeting read through the case studies and see what you’ve helped others accomplish, they’ll think you’re a great fit and will prefer working with you (as you’ve got a proven track record) compared to taking a risk with somebody that hasn’t worked with anyone in their sector or a similar business.
2. Testimonials
Although a case study is a useful piece of content to produce, a client testimonial can arguably be even more impactful. Again, this will resonate more with the companies you want to work with and are targeting if the testimonials are from those in a similar sector.
For example, if they work in computing, then it’s beneficial to send across testimonial content from those in computing.
Studies have shown that customer testimonials (along with case studies - so make sure you use that type of inbound content too) are considered the most effective content marketing tactics, identified by 89 and 88 percent of B2B marketers.
So, make sure that you pick the best testimonials to share which include plenty of positive references from relatable key accounts. These can assist you in winning the new accounts you’re targeting in the same sector.
3. Consideration Stage Marketing Blogs
Consideration stage marketing blogs are another type of content you should deliver as part of your ABM strategy. The companies and accounts you’re targeting in a particular sector will be the buyers that are visiting pages that include keywords they’re searching for.
In your consideration stage content, be sure to include key phrases within so that you can successfully attract the most attention. It’s not all about blogs either as the type of companies you want to work with will be responsive to content like email marketing and downloadable content as well.
Use your consideration stage content as an opportunity to speak about the problem while using plenty of data so that you can persuade the accounts by emotion. By using data and even logic, they can be more compelled on an emotional level to choose your solution over one they might have found elsewhere.
Rough examples of consideration content we could throw out there include why inbound marketing is better than outbound tactics for an ABM strategy, or even why it’s better to use HubSpot for it than an alternative solution.
4. Personalised Videos
Video is on the rise and if you’re not on the bandwagon already, it’s a tactic you should definitely consider as part of your ABM strategy. To show just how important it is…
More than 50 percent of consumers want to see video content from brands - more than any other type of content.
Around 70 percent of marketers report video converts better than any other mediums.
Eighty percent of users recall a video ad they’ve viewed online in the past month.
An estimated 4.6 billion video ads are watched online each year.
That’s just scratching the surface when it comes to the impact video content can have. We could be here for a while to try and cover through them all.
The main message is that in your ABM strategy, personalised video content can go a long way. As you’ll have fewer companies and accounts to target as part of your strategy, it’s pretty straightforward and simple to personalise your videos.
In the video content, you can speak about your previous experience in the same sector with other companies, rather than writing it all out or cramming it into a presentation. It feels more natural, human and reliable as you can explain the successes you’ve had in the past in the same sector.
Video content in your ABM strategy also lets you explain to the businesses and accounts you’re targeting about the tactics you’ve in the past and the impact they had, and the tactics you plan on using for them too. At the same time, it’s a good opportunity to explain the mistakes you’ve made, the tactics that didn’t work and what you did to overcome them.
Use the video content as a way to personalise your key messages and talk about their industry.
Find Out More About Utilising Account-Based Marketing to Boost Your Enterprise Inbound Efforts
An ABM strategy is a beneficial enterprise tactic to consider if you want to achieve company growth and make your inbound campaigns even more impactful on a much larger scale. However, you’re probably going to have many more questions about getting started and there’s still a lot more to learn.
You’ll benefit from downloading our Inbound for Enterprise eBook, it’s packed full of useful content ranging from more information about an ABM strategy, how you can get buy-in from the top, how to utilise HubSpot for the best results and a lot more we just can’t fit here.
To get your hands on a free copy, hit the link below.