Last year, we reviewed and reported on the state of inbound marketing. This year, is it still the...
Did you know that 34 % of all e-commerce last year was done via mobile and that it is expected to double this year? Since we are always on smartphones, it is often what we use to make a decision or do research.
It is therefore advisable that you and your website appear on the customer's mobile screen when he just needs your help. We want to establish brand loyalty and ensure that customers return to us after the end of trading. Last, we checked, customers tend to switch supplier if they are not available when needed.
Mobile marketing is one of the latest forms of digital marketing, where you have a unique opportunity to meet the customer and provide the content they want, right where they are. This is both simple and valuable, so there is no time to waste!
Still not convinced that your time and energy should be devoted to marketing on mobile? The team behind Website Builder has put together a graphical representation of 104 interesting facts, which you do not know (but maybe should know?) about mobile marketing. Here are our 18 favourites:
Mobil VS desktop
1) 37 % say that they are more likely to buy from a website optimised for mobile.
That is why you have to ensure that your website is as user-friendly for mobile users as for those on the desktop. Here are 5 steps to optimise your website for mobile
2) 18 % of mobile users will leave a website if it does not load within 5 seconds.
3) If your website loads with a 1-second delay, it may result in 7 % fewer conversions.
The website should be "on time" to keep these 7 % of conversions. If you are in doubt about how your website is performing, luckily there are some good analytics tools. Google PageSpeed and Website Grader are great tools that analyse your page and give you concrete feedback on what you can do better.
4) According to a 2013 Harris Interactive survey, 30 % of consumers who have a poor shopping experience on mobile will never return to that website
5) 51.3 % of internet usage in the world happens on mobile rather than desktop
6) 77 % of mobile searches are made on mobile even if there is a desktop available
7) It is expected that mobile marketing will account for 58 % of all online marketing
8) If you want attention, your audience is 68 % more aware when sitting on a mobile rather than desktop.
Mobile sites VS Apps
9) 85 % of mobile users feel more relaxed when using apps, rather than mobile websites.
10) App use approaches 60 % of the time we spend on digital platforms.
Yes, but remember to consider what needs to cover. Who is your persona and where would they prefer to find you? Mobile web and mobile app are used differently.
If your prospects are mainly looking up opening hours or addresses, may it be better to spend time and effort on an optimised website?
11) We spend 18x more time on an app than on mobile sites (maybe it’s not so strange if we feel more relaxed initially?)
12) 83 % of B2B marketers believe that apps are important for content marketing
13) 69 % of emails are opened on mobile devices. There are also more people who actually open emails on their mobile (50.12 %) than there are people who open on desktop (32.97 %)
Mobile Shopping Behavior
14) 4 out of 5 consumers use their smartphone to shop
15) Google data shows that 82 % of smartphone users consult their mobile phone when making a purchase decision.
Imagine how easy it is to do research exactly when you need it, no matter where you are. You need to be mobile-friendly if you do not want to lose weight in the battle for traffic and attention
16) 93 % of those researching on the mobile move on to complete a purchase (mostly in physical stores)
17) There are more men than women (45 % VS 34 %) who complete purchases via mobile phone
18) 64 % of mobile marketers say apps are their first priority to improve customer experience and drive customer loyalty.
Mobile marketing is important, and the opportunities to succeed are many. Hopefully, you already have a responsive website that provides a good user experience on all types of monitors, whether on mobile or desktop. If not, you may want to get started today.