When you're working on increasing your domain authority (DA), it can be frustrating when you notice...
With a little dedicated time and effort, this method will really boost your SEO strategy by building backlinks easily and methodically. These add up and compound into boosting the success of your wider inbound strategy. Read on to see why and how to do it.
Helping Maximise Inbound Marketing Results
Good Search Engine Optimisation deployment is integral to an effective inbound marketing strategy. Without it, all of your valuable content won't end up being seen by the maximum amount of users.
The more sites that link to your pages because they're recommending your high quality content, the higher authority your pages will have. Not only will you be gaining traffic from the sites which link to you, this upgraded authority in the eyes of search engine spiders crawling the web will give your a higher SERP ranking and put you in front of searchers more readily.
When your content that is waiting for them does its job of moving the user along the buyer's journey, the conversions and promotions which follow will help your cause further.
Kind of like a perpetual cycle of authority-traffic-lead-conversion-promotion.
Building Backlinks Easily
Though it may take a little time and effort, the actual theory of achieving backlinks this way is pretty straightforward. You can use three steps to step in and replace out-of-date links, not just broken ones (which has a higher amount of competition).
- Find Out Of Date Links: Search for sites that have closed, moved or re-branded with a name or URL change or maybe don't offer that service/information anymore.
- Find The Sites Linking To Them: Find the sites which link to these now outdated pages.
- Outreach And Provide Your New Link: Give these sites a heads up that their link is now defunct and provide them with a new one - which is yours (as long as it's relevant!).
1. Find Out Of Date Links
With some simple search engine queries relating to your desired niche, you can trawl through the results to look for appropriate opportunities. For example, entering "marketing agency rebrands as" and heading to Google News results presents some great results.
As you can see, some stories have slightly the wrong angle - Deliveroo's rebrand, an ad agency winning a big contract - but others are bound to present an opportunity. Check enough stories like the bottom three in the image and you will find outdated URLs and possibly out-of-date information or advice.
Just take a look.
2. Find Sites Linking To Them
Our SEO team use the Moz Open Site Explorer to check which sites are linking to the out-of-date URLs you have found.
What you need to be aware of is that you need to manually verify whether you want to get linked to by those sites. Use this quick checklist:
- Does it have a high enough domain authority?
- Is the site that you might want to target for a link still live?
- Is it trustworthy?
- Is it wholly relevant to what you can offer?
The answers to these questions will let you know whether it's worth spending the time outreaching to them and whether you'll actually benefit from them linking to your page instead of the out-of-date one you found earlier.
3. Outreach And Provide Your New Link
You should know how to outreach, there's no need to teach you how to suck eggs. Just make sure you make it clear and easy for the recipient to see that, "Oh, yes, I am linking to a dead page/out-of-date information/no longer relevant information" so they appreciate you letting them know.
And include your suggested content along with the benefits they will get for swapping the link for one to your page instead.
Whilst you could, of course, spend your time outreaching sites for links in a "cold" way (and nobody wants that, it's just not good inbound), people will be less receptive because they have to fix something that isn't broken by replacing a live link and your content needs to be superior enough to warrant somebody doing so. 99% of the time, it just isn't going to happen.
With this technique, you know the people you are reaching out to for a link are going to be getting a double shot of value to their page content.
Good luck.
Want More SEO And Inbound Tips?
As well as PPC, content, email and more? Check out our eBook which includes over 30 techniques, explained, to help you get more from your inbound marketing.