Google is continuously trying to improve their search results. They use countless ranking factors...
Cloaks, red flags, robots — if you don't know what we're talking about, this podcast will reveal all 🤖
Listen as we dive into the world of SEO, this time focusing on the importance of having someone search-oriented on side during web builds.
Why? Websites designed without search engines in mind often come up against indexing issues shortly after their launch.
No matter how good your website looks or how friendly its navigation, it's all in vain if it ultimately isn't able to be seen by anyone (including Google). Find out more about from our Senior SEO Specialists Danielle and Anthony in episode eight of the Trending Upwards podcast by hitting the play button above.
Why watch? Your website might be useless!
In this episode, we run through common indexing issues we bet you've experienced at some point (knowingly or unknowingly), as well as how to search for these red flags and ultimately resolve them.
So, if your content isn't ranking and your website isn't gaining any traction, it's worth sticking around and putting the kettle on.
It could be as simple as making your website more mobile-friendly to appeal to Google's mobile-first nature or correctly submitting your sitemap. Or, you could have a more intricate issue on your hands — for us, that's most recently been pages and menus built in Javascript.
What might happen if I don't watch? A new website could be on the cards
In the worst-case scenario, you still might need a new website — but at least by listening to us babble on, you'll know about it earlier. It's possible to live with your website for a long time before realising there are any technical errors since spotting them requires some niche SEO expertise.
More annoyingly, you could be a couple of clicks away from banishing some of the simplest problems — but be unaware of the need to add no-index tags, for example.
What's a good next step? Watch every other episode, of course, OR get in touch
Intrigued by the world of search and the other ways Google might be doing you over without realising? It's a good time to have a binge-fest of the Trending Upwards series so far.
Yet, if your website's crawlability is really troubling you and you're wondering if you need to take some drastic action, speaking to an expert could lighten the load. That's us, just in case it wasn't clear.