This month we travelled to Boston Massachusetts for the annual Inbound 2015 Conference. The...
Tonight is the night, when four becomes two. Doesn't quite have the same ring to it as our beloved Spice Girls but you might have noticed fewer faces on your screen this time round. Paul has fled the nest to create his own spinoff podcast and Mark is getting stuck in to his new role in the business.

Although there might be less of the Inbound After Hours crew, you can certainly expect the same level of insights (if not more!). A new year is a challenging place for marketers, in this episode Rikki and Andrew discuss what every marketer needs to prioritise and plan.
Settle in, play or listen, get your notepad ready and start adding to your own to-do list 👇
So marketer, your to-do list should start looking something like this:
- Take time to look back: Not everybody takes the time to look back and reflect on the successes of the previous year. Don't write December off just yet, there's plenty to learn from your accomplishments even during the downtime. Did your campaigns achieve what you wanted?
- Strive for improvement: When was the last time you looked what other tools and processes experts in the industry were using? The world of marketing is a whirlwind and if you have the data to suggest something isn't quite working or could be improved on, use it.
- Identify your north star: There's a hundred KPIs you could be chasing but if you focus on one overarching goal, it's a lot easier for everything to fall into place and make sense. ROI is great and all, but what do you actually want to achieve and what do you really want to avoid?
Rikki and Andrew also delved into HubSpot housekeeping, content optimisation tools and how to keep your collateral fresh.
"It's better without Mark and Paul"
We know that's not entirely true. But it goes without saying that the less people trying to gauge if it's a good time to chime in, the better. Lag, internet issues and just generally not being able to read each other's body language can cause some challenges when filming online.
We'll miss the Mark and Paul dynamic *sniff*, but we know they're in a better place.
Oh there's some more learning you can do by the way...
We've recently ramped up our video efforts, you could say it was high on our to-do list to implement. With have an arsenal of podcasts, from SEO to VIDEO and even our vlog, Digital Take Two, over on our YouTube channel.
Check them out below and let us know what you think.