You've been told you need to blog, but you don't fully understand the inbound process. You're...
Inbound marketing takes time. Time to plan, and time to see results.
In our latest podcast, we talk through how you can begin to plan your campaigns for 2018, the process that you should go through, how long it will take to see results and how you can encourage buy-in from your team.
We also quickly discuss why you should consider how your company will be affected by GDPR, which comes into force next year.
Download the Inbound Marketing Planning Templates here.
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Full transcript:
- Hi everyone welcome to Inbound After Hours. Today we have a podcast on inbound planning for 2018. Okay, and Andrew is the main host today, this is your domain.
- I am. So you can add loads of value to the listeners. So let's kick this off with our first question. If we wanna get up and running, Inbound Marketing 2018, where should we begin our effort?
- Well now, really, so timeline-wise, start sort of now. Because we've found a lot of people, you know, you might be being talked about, be thinking wait until I get my budget signed off, and hit the ground running next year. We found when you do that just with whats involved with the prep and the nature of inbound marketing, you're gonna struggle to see results in your first six months so we always advise now is the perfect time. Cause you've got three months of the year left, two or less than two, but you can get all your planning done get all your HubSpot set up, get all your audits, your strategy done, and then the first of January comes you're actually creating content. You might still be able to create it now and the more you do this side of the year, the more you're gonna be ahead, so definitely start now. Start your planning and that all starts with looking at what you wanna achieve.
- So hit the ground running, do you agree with that Rikki?
- Yeah I mean, obviously I'm on the sales side of the agency so I have a lot of conversations this time of the year about people wanting to get started in January it's a common theme. And like Andrew said most people make the assumption that that start, the first of Jan, but you're wiping off q1 one really in getting started. And your first quarters results which will be q2, will be your lowest results so you really halfway through the year before you start seeing some traction. So we, our process goes, we spend a month on strategy, then we spend a month on set up, then we go into our ongoing deliverables. So now is actually a good time to be talking about what to do with strategy, got everyone around the table talked about buyer personas, buyers journeys, to keyword research everything that you need to do in an inbound strategy. Got that ready with everybody before people start going away for December as well. Then you've got December to get it all ready. So you'll need to get your automation software setup or whatever or soft spot or whatever you choose to use, get your ad accounts ready if you're gonna use ads as part of your strategy, optimise your social media channels make sure your blog's set up and responsive. Make sure you have a landing page so December can be your tech setup month and that's quite the time to do it because it'll be quite quiet in most industries. Then you can, when you come back after your holidays, in January get, just hit the ground running. You've done your strategy, accounts are all ready to go, so I actually quite like starting first of November, I think it works really well.
- It's a good time as well for inbound education and getting your team onboard, getting the whole company aligned for the new year from a marketing and sales perspective just getting people in a room, building out your personas, depending on what industry you're in, and you might be a little bit quieter in December before everyone gets away, you might have a little bit more time now, reviewing the year, looking ahead to next year. It's a really good time to sort of do that review. Decide how you're gonna do it differently, and grab people, you're gonna come back in January and be wanting to start, people have got a full inbox they've got their own inset in their minds of what they wanna do so, survival time now.
- You're definitely gonna get a jump on your competitors who are all starting first of Jan. You know starting first of November you can notice a big difference in what you can have for 2018.
- Now thanks for that Rikki as well you've just sort of quickly talked through the setup and the strategy. Where should we start with our first campaign? What should it look like? How do we plan in just a bit more detail?
- Yeah so, the way we normally do the very first thing is the strategy phase and that all starts with analysing your current marketing looking at what you've currently got going and trying to build it a bit backwards into a sales, a marketing and sales funnel. And that will give you, if you know what you need to generate, how many sales you need to make, what the conversion rate is at each stage of everybody involved from sales to marketing you can build that out and you'll understand at the very top how many views to your website you need to get that if everyone else holds their end of the bargain, that's the way we normally do it with clients, and it quickly will show you, it'll give you a refined area of how many blogs I need to be doing, how many emails I need to be sending, how many meetings I need to be organising so you can sort of think, how busy my calendar is gonna have to be in the new year. Once we've done that, get that agreed, you sort of set some goals on targets. And that'll quickly give you again a bit of a reality check. Of how big a job, most people have probably talked about this on a podcast before, is inbounds, call that blogger month and we'll get around to doing a white paper at some point and it's a bit of a shock sometimes isn't it? So again it's a good time to do it this side of the year rather than coming back after Christmas with a full belly, thinking oh I've gotta do 20 blogs a week now. You're gonna speak to everyone, got all your information set up.
- If inbounds gonna go wrong it's because you missed that phase that strategy and you've just gone, right, I'm ready, I'm gonna start blogging today, it's Monday,
- Yeah. What am I gonna write about?
- Without thinking what am I gonna write about at any point. You've done it wrong, you've gone and missed the mark. It's likely you haven't done persona research which we always talk about as critical to everything you gonna just miss the mark, so taking that month to do strategy and a lot of people are bosses and they don't like to hear that, but the reality is it saves money down the long run. Gets you the results down the long run, so you're gonna have to carve that time out.
- So once we've got those sort of top high-level goals set and agreed we would, it's the same for in-house as it would be elsewhere, we'd go into business but it's your own house you can do this yourself. Just start thinking about your personas, and who you're trying to target. Of the 50 people you boss thinks you sell to, pick three, I realise it's pretty difficult sometimes, we've got some good templates and we can download. Just keep it simple at first. You can write reams and reams about these people and you should know it quite well in your own house hopefully and shouldn't say you know you can get your first drafts done and then what you wanna do is speak to people and disprove what your assumptions are in your persona draught, so put something together and...
- Are you speaking to them in quite a time period as well? That's something that I've never thought about but doing some persona research in November and December they're actually probably going to have more time for you.
- Yeah, so your sales team, your customers, and you've got a decent relationship with your boss. Speak to them, get your personas done, and then you just build out all your strategy documents. See what your buying these journeys, if you know inbound marketing that's the next phase so. Talking about that person, who they are, each stage of their journey, how they're feeling, what sort of questions, problems, and resolutions they're looking for, and once you've got those nailed down and everyone's happy and you think these are people I really wanna speak to, probably make up the most resonant pain point and also at the same time do a bit of a content audit, so have a look around your business see what you've got. You might have a catalogue you might have some sort of report that actually looks really boring but you could just read it get in slides and put it out there. And it could be really helpful to people. Do a bit of a content audit, then we map that content audit across the buyer's journey so you can quickly spot gaps. Then depending on whether you've got tonnes of content with gaps or not at all, you've got tonnes with gaps, that's good, cause you can just fill in the gaps. It's quite easy and you know that you're doing the right thing the first time. If you've got absolutely nothing, I'd probably say have another look cause you probably do have a pricing guide.
- Sales slides, testimonials, case studies, things people want to do.
- There might be something on a web page you just need to put into a pdf, and everyone should have a pricing guide, a price list, or a catalogue of some form or some sort of terms document, everyone's got to create that, if you don't get that created and then you can do it two ways, you could start you're in this stage and you gotta bring in more people, but with a potential that might be unqualified might take a while, so it depends again on the day based on what you've actually got, go that way build that and then try and nurture that or you could try and work from decision back and just create very valuable things for the people that you know are sort of already there, just depending on what your data base looks like to start with. Ideally, though, you want to, your first three campaigns, if you have nothing, would be make sure you've got one thing at each stage very quickly.
- So one awareness, one consideration, one decision basic content.
- Yeah, it's a bere minimum to get you up and running then once you've got one or two decision things you know really unless you really need more to help with the sales process I would just focus on what is in consideration really. Blog-wise, awareness, and then as you go it should go like that. And purely because you won't use more people at the awareness stage with problems that you can answer quickly. And when you've got one comparison against your biggest competitor that should serve all those people eventually when they're ready to talk about it. What are we up to now? So we've got the guides, once you know what your guide is, this has changed quite recently, you're gonna wanna start thinking about how you get people to a guide. If you've got a hope spotter at all you can just build your landing pages and all these new bits around that but from a content strategy perspective you've gotta think about within that guide what are all the things what are all the small topics that relate to that one big pillar that you wanna map that out. The way we do it is a bit of a mine map, so it would go, if we're talking about a hubspot for example, we might have something about prices, something about features, something about integrations, all different things that relate and then we just, just a brain dump of all the little tiny little topics around that then you create this huge map, then they are kinda your new blog titles and you've got to do your keyword research, expound upon those questions that you can answer, and yeah, look at your keyword strategy, build that in, and now we're looking at we're starting to do pillar content pages so slight change is probably more for another podcast but it's a landing page times a million so you sort of everything ties back on the same anchor link and you just trying to rank everything by topic and theme rather than do it your keyword although still do that as well. So yeah, I'm sort of rushing through this a little bit for the sake of the podcast but once you've agreed your blog titles and that's all tying back to that same piece that everyone's happy to produce, your onto a winner really. As long as you're writing in a way that is good and connected and you're leading people down that route you're gonna hit your goals because you're gonna be targeting the right sort of people. So yeah, we use a sort of a fancy sort of planning hoop, and we sort of map everything out, we have a centralised document, and I'd suggest creating something similar. Map out your titles by keyword, buyer journey, stage, persona, theme, and brief and map it all out and then you're good to go really. Obviously writing blogs is another thing, but once you've got all that ready, you've just gotta build it and start writing.
- Start delivering.
- Andrew, I can imagine some of these listeners that, that can probably overwhelm them a little bit. When we expanded if we're not 100% on board. If someone's new to this. I mean you mentioned that what we've done is build a series of templates that people can download. Free of charge. So what's involved in that template pack? We have the personas, the buyer's journeys?
- Yup, so you've got your personas, your buyers journeys, templates, you've got a workflow template so you can map out a simple flow in there, it's quite handy to get up and running, you've got the sales and marketing flow, so you can fill that out do your own calculations just add that all in, what else is on there?
- Content audit.
- A content audit is very simple, you list what you've got, and just add it to what stage of the buyer's journey you've got all that in there.
- Those are the five yeah. If you can do those five, you're in pretty good place from a strategy perspective. There's obviously other things involved like keyword research and stuff like that but, if you can do those five things from a content perspective you're probably got most things you need to deliver a decent inbound marketing strategy.
- And with the rushed explanation of that planning phase really I think start small to be honest if you're new to this and don't try and blog every day or if you can't blog every week, don't rush it. I think what you need to do is all this is great planning create this big plan you know you might be the one marketer who's really on board with this but you need to get buy-in, resource, you need all the help you can get so if you need to start small do that. Focus on getting you guide done, focus on setting up HubSpot correctly, connect your social media, and then just figure out how much blogging you can realistically do. You as a marketer might only be able to do one a week yourself, you might be busy with other stuff if you can get help from other people to plan out topics and answers or bullet point, record or do notes with answers to questions that you have that might just speed up your process. Start slow, try and build it up rather than trying to hit the ground running first of Jan three blogs a week and then after two weeks you're only just one and you're disheartened. I'd do, try for one a week, that's the bare minimum really, and then try and work your way up, and you might get to two a week and find that that's bringing in plenty of leads, so don't try and bite off more than you can chew with your first campaign.
- I think a realistic set of deliverables maybe we can put this in the podcast notes is have a major content focus, pick one. So an eblogger, infographic, checklist, comparison guide, whatever it is, a major content piece a quarter, then tie in 12 blocks flat, so a blog a week over that 12 month period, and then the others will vary but, I'd say a minimum, a social share every day per channel that you choose to go on, a segment, a targeted email a month, if you can get your email automation going, obviously that's gonna help ya and you can get your round up of your blogs going monthly using something like call spotter and your automation email going on in the background those are going to help you out and build some SEO into the background as well you really need to be doing some outreach every month. So again set yourself a realistic target. Maybe 20 a month reaching out to, to try and get links back in, that's going to help you rank for those short tale keywords and new keywords that your boss wants to rank for but it's also gonna help you rank your blogs which is really important cause if you're sitting writing blogs and the titles aren't ranking anywhere, then it's not going anywhere, so carve some space out for that lighter, that's a pretty minimum plan that I'd if I was getting started with inbound having not done it before, those are the sorts of deliverables I'd be setting myself.
- That's great. Something you mentioned there Rikki people don't do is the outreach, so 20 links a month if you can outreach could be a guest blog, for example. I mean what sort of conversion rate on that, we look at one to two links back from 20 outreach?
- I'd say so yeah, I think if you're if you've never done outreach, I think that that's probably quite a hard part of it. I think realistically if you get one link in a month that's good quality that's good relevancy, it's gonna do you wonders. So try that, obviously just track how you get on, and again it's a bit like pipe lining from a sales perspective so, if you start first of Jan instead of first of November then your two months and set up your start your outreach you might not get a link until, May, June, and again, those things take time to index and give you benefits, so it might be middle of the year, so those two months that you shave off here, are gonna help with that but set yourself a realistic goal, reach out to 20 people a month, by month three you'll probably build yourself a good pipeline and you'll start getting regular links in, but don't forget that in a strategy and most people do.
- They do that, that's why we brought it up, so, okay, great. So how should we plan out the first year and what should people expect, in, with 2018 just starting now, how do we plan it?
- Things people are probably more familiar with things like PPC, where they expect a switch on and get leads. Anyone who's done SEO or social or anything like that will know that organic inbound's a bit of a long game. I think that's really important when you're pitching inbound trying to get by internally to your boss. That you don't give yourself any false pretences about how this is gonna go. You're not gonna start an inbound plan now and be getting a dozen more leads than you're getting now by January, February, you've really gotta, I mean we always say right off the first six months and that's, you're not gonna get anywhere or anything. But don't hang your hat on it. You're gonna get incremental increases every single month, from a traffic and leads perspective. But your real curve, when it's gonna have a big impact on your business, I'd say average is about nine months. And nine months of deliverable. So by the time you've done three quarter plans, like Andrew said if you're new to inbound, quarter three is the time that you've gotten awareness consideration and decisions piece of content anyway, so it's the first time you've got full-funnel marketing to start with, and but I'd say, I'd say nine months is pretty normal. Sometimes it's earlier, sometimes it's six, sometimes it's later, sometimes it's like 12, but I'd be looking to try and get traction around the nine-month time.
- I think you've, it's, that's, I'm just listening, and thinking about how that's hard for an inbound marketer to sell that and that's how I feel about it from the agency side. So then you're thinking, have I got any chance, HubSpot's quite pricey, got a long way to go this a year in, I just think of your campaigns, try and just, demonstrate the value to the company, you know, whether or not you're building a knowledge base, building an FAQ, something that can help the sales team, the gap that you create could be a really good sales tool. So you might create that in your first campaign knowing full well that okay this isn't going to get traction for another six months, but I'll print it out, the sales team will get a copy, then when they're out doing what they do that's gonna help them. If you can add even just a little bit of outside value, which if it's truly inbound is gonna help everyone. Then you can get it out there, you can put stuff on the site show off social following up, the leads might not be there but as long as the activities there, and people who are needing to sign it off can see that you're doing something really positive in maybe they didn't have anything like that it can really help, so don't be well this is all this work and all this planning, don't be tempted to sort of lock yourself away in a cupboard, and just get your head down so you can get all these blogs done cause you know that it's gonna work in six months time, you want to have an eye on the other people in the business even if you just involve in the regular catch ups and persona updates and asking them questions about their problems or about what the customers have asked them that week, people think oh there's something going on here and then six months will pass in no time, rather than you just being sat there doing your blogs. You just have to have that eye on the business with I think really helps you get through that first year.
- I think when you're trying to pitch it into a boss you've gotta meet him at his level. He's probably actually had a lead generation problem ever since he started his business, most businesses have struggled to get enough leads to meet the goals of the business owner, so he's had that problem all the time. And the way to address it is, we can solve this for ya, it's not an overnight fix, most business owners are in it for the long term anyway, so they're good for that, and try and pick an analogy that works for them. I like to do that. So if you're in, an estate agency, just say we can keep renting, putting our money into PPC, putting a dollar in, getting x dollars out, we can do that forever, but realistically, we're never going to increase without spending more, and you're outlays gonna say the same. And if you're not comfortable with that, that's like renting or you can buy. You can start investing now, you can pay off the mortgage, blah bla blah, do it that way, and over time, that's a lot better for your financially than constantly renting, so try and find an analogy that'll work for them, there are loads if you're manufacturing or whatever, but that's the way I'd look at it. This is a long-term investment. This is gonna benefit the company, not just from a leads and marketing perspective, it's gonna make you thought leaders, it's gonna enhance your brand, it's gonna enhance the value of your company because ultimately you've got this organic tap that can't be switched off like PPC can be. So it's just you gotta meet them where they're at, meet them on their level, I think that's quite important. But if you can do that, most, most owners are up for that. They're not all unreasonable. You gotta be honest cause if you're not, you're gonna hang yourself, you're gonna end up out of a job in six months because...
- You hopefully aren't, well, not hopefully, but you probably coming into this as an alternative cause the other stuff isn't working. So as long as you can clearly paint that picture, of what hasn't worked, then say, there isn't any other option now, this is the way where this is what we need to be doing. You know if you can show that you're as absolutely motivated by this and you're really on board with it, the owner should like that and think okay, you're energised by this so.
- There's probably one in a hundred I speak to that just don't get it, and if your boss is one of them, then best of luck, that's hard slog. But most of them, when you spell out how inbound works, everyone gets it, you say, when you last bought your car, what did you do? Walk in an ask them what the best marked down car is? Or did you go online and google it and find out yourself? You start talking through scenarios they know how this works they'll use the internet in this way themselves, again, it's meeting them where they're at.
- We call it holding out, so sometimes you get that six months and these links kick in and you'll be right at the brink of the nine months holding it so that everything starts. See that's working, so we be honest with our clients, even in the early pitch, from the out, this could take years, just be honest, if we lose a deal we lose a deal at least we've been honest. So to the listeners, be honest with your boss.
- Definitely, that's a good point cause you've gotta come to a hold your nerve crossroads with inbound, with anybody. A couple of ways you can help is by trying to get some explaining the process, securing some PPC budget for those early months, obviously that adds other benefits, like you can test out your landing pages, you can test out your workflows, if you can get some paid budget, you could kind of try and level out those leads. It's not my favourite strategy, I like the true inbound way and just people being bought in, but if you have particular business objectives you need to hit in those first six months just say hey I can't guarantee this is gonna do it, so why don't we try filling the void a little bit with some social ads or something like that that's more immediate.
- Okay, you're hitting a good point that as soon as you stop PPC that's it, no more leads. Just totally gone. I mean the listeners they know they can actually back this up with a bit of PPC in the early days and you can slowly tailor that off, guess I support that. [Indiscernible] other leads coming in so that's another option.
- It's the opposite way to inbound cause if you look, hot spots got a lot of case studies on there, we've seen ourselves now about six years into our blogging journey, but most of HubSpot's leads and visitors come from historic blogs, so blogs that are three, four years old that's the opposite to PPC, what you've invested in now is going to be paying you dividends in five years.
- Did you see that Rikki the new sound bars just fell down?
- Yeah, I did I caught it out of the corner of my eye. I thought I saw a mark on the back of the edge.
- That's not heavy, that's why I was laughing. Have an examine on the podcast. Let's talk about, where can it go wrong. Why doesn't it work for some people? We know inbound works but for some people, it doesn't work. What are they doing wrong?
- I know. We just talked about holding your nerve. You self, the client, your boss, your peers, whatever it is, if you don't hold your nerve, not only are you probably gonna stop too soon, but if you start changing tactics two months in, three months in, even four months in, it's depressing, to say the least. Because you can't just keep the cadence going with content. If you change the topic you're talking about, you start from square one, your keywords are different, your tones different, whatever it is you change. So yeah, two months into a campaign if your boss says let's not do that let's just forget that ebook, it's all we've got we need to send out this other book or whatever it is just try your best to go on doing that as well because we found it's, the nicest possible way I believe done, and you can have learned from putting that together, and you're gonna know the tool and inbound a bit better but, results-wise, unfortunately that six months is pretty protected, and so if you change you're back to square one, so please don't change.
- And you know that from experience.
- Definitely, 100% yeah.
- We've had clients sort of change the product yeah?
- Yeah, and depending what industry you're in that can be tricky because if you're in a startup environment or you've got, I mean, a lot of this stuff you know you could be an existing company but if you bring in a new product, inbound can be quite attractive, and you've got to be very careful in what you're doing and stick to something that may be resistant to even the product change and you're talking about a very top level problem. You can still bring in people to your database that can help, rather than being so specific on a set of each for example, so I'd say that's one way you can go wrong.
- That and that boils back to strategy doesn't it, as well, if you're changing two months in your strategy was wrong at the start...
- Yeah and it wasn't really agreed, buyers say that sounds good at the time but they change two months in, it obviously wasn't and they weren't that confident in it, so it has to just be reminded that, you know, get them to sign something if you can, I know you can't but.
- This is who we are, this is why we're unique, this is our niche, this is how we're gonna talk, this is gonna be our content, and stick to it. If you need, businesses need to change, but the one bit is if we're going to change then everyone's on the page that looks we're starting again.
- If they have to change when is the best time?
- I'd say once your accounts mature, like two or three years into it, you've got some scope for change cause you're still gonna get the results in that your marketings been doing.
- Yeah, something.
- So if you wanna add on a new product or something like that do it when your accounts a bit more stable.
- That point about changing is always a painful one. There isn't anything already going on, and you've got stuff coming in any way, you might be into your seventh campaign, if you have to scrap that one half way through you've still got that to back you up. And the other thing is to stand too quickly. I know we talked about starting now, let's just say forget that, until 2018 start in January, and we're not really, I know my personas are in my head, I know 10 things I need to know and I'm just gonna write this blog and get it out there. I've never seen that work personally. Unless you just don't think you're gonna hit the nail on the head there, you're not gonna get the buy-in. So yeah, don't rush into it, don't just have a crack at it. Take your time to plan it. It protects you as a marketer, you can get people to buy inside of it quickly, don't, you know you're six weeks into writing blogs off the top of your head and your boss is like what are you doing? You've got all these strategy documents, you've mapped the meetings, you go on to buy in and raise your objections at the time and work through those before you even touch buying anything on a website, you can go well look we had all those meetings and you agreed this is the right thing to do, so protect yourself completely and get that done and take that extra couple of months so rushing and changing are two very rough things.
- I'd say also another area I see people going wrong is underestimating the workload, big time, because if you're one person in a company, this, I don't know, I was gonna say improve into it, but you can't, I don't think you can, we've seen it.
- We work with inhouse marketers and obviously, people do varying levels and sometimes we get people saying no I'll do that, I'll do that, and it doesn't get done cause you're getting pulled all over the place and the learning curve as well.
- It's too many hats as well. Like if you're going to be really good at designing emails, coding out landing pages, and emails, writing copy, doing SEO, doing PPC, doing social, doing analytics, one person doing all that is a very very special person. And normally you're either good at the creative side, you're good at the analytical side, they're very different skill sets, so I think that's hard to...
- And don't fold to pressure if you can help it. No one wants that unless you're stuck. You can get help with content, just get people to buy in and help in whatever way they can. If you can outsource stuff great, if you can't, don't take it all on at once, don't do PPC at the start if you can't manage it you're just gonna trickle money down the drain, it's the bare minimum which you're probably gonna have to work your way through the HubSpot academy. How to do it alone or whatever it is but don't bite off more than you can chew cause you won't get it done.
- Real good, key takeaways there guys. Well got a couple minutes left, and we wanna do a separate podcast on this but let's just have a little discussion about GDPR and obviously this overhead in this next year. How can guys prepare for this?
- So I guess without going too much into GDPR cause it's a huge subject, I guess, with the theme of this I'd just say it gives you, even more, emphasis that now is a good time to start, cause that's coming in May and you need to be ready because come May, quite a few avenues and doors are gonna shut on you, so if your boss is currently making you buy data lists, and making people cold call, sending out unsolicited mail all these sorts of things..
- And people have linked to..
- And scraping all these LinkedIn emails and all this sort of stuff, if you're doing all this now, then, those doors are gonna close on you and you're gonna face options in May have either shut all of my leads offices or be one of the illegal activities and be fines, is it 20% of your revenue or something insane like that? I'd say that gives you more reason to do this now. If you, realistically if you started inbound now, did your two months this side of the year, then start your campaigns in Jan by May, you'll be five months in, you'll be just on the edge of that starting to happen and work for you so, I'd say, it's a good reason to do it. Inbound's on the right side of GDPR. People are opting in.
- You can prove also the thing is actually happen, an exportable list of how I've got in touch with these people and what they've done on the site and how I've actually used that data and you may well have bought them in the right way but you can't prove it you don't have the tools with visibility like HubSpot you gotta be in the same position as someone who's got them nefariously or whatever.
- Exactly so, I'd say it's just a good time for a push if you have to set again if you have to go and sell it to your boss. Show him what GDPR is all about and those avenues are gonna close so if we don't stop bringing leads into us in an opted in fashion then we've got some big choices to face so I'd rather be on this side of the GDPR but we've got some issues with it in terms of an inbound industry we've got to figure out how to get active consent and we've got to figure out how to do these things but in reality they are very easy fixes compared to, I'm a call send company, I'm a scraper company, I'm a data company, they've got some huge battles to face. I'd rather be on this side of the GDPR fence for sure.
- Great so key takeaways is start now. We've got a full template pack which is free on, if you're listening to the podcast you'll know about that, if you wanna speak to these guys as well just give them a ring we'll chat, on Twitter, and they'll help you.
- Yeah definitely.
- Okay, thank you very much, enjoyed that. And we'll put the rest in the show, links to the templates, we've got the GDPR, blog guide on that, and anything else we can think of we'll put in the show notes which will help you guys out. Thanks again for watching and listening and we'll see you soon.
- Thanks guys, see you soon.