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HubSpot PPC
Use PPC to
generate strong leads
and enjoy a positive ROI
When you start your inbound journey, you’ll be told results take time. PPC, whether that be paid search, paid social or display ads, can help bridge that gap by providing you with results and help to maximise results long into your inbound journey.
Can you afford to miss out on 46% of clicks on a result page?
Paid results take up a lot of space on the SERP, in fact the top three paid advertising spots get 46% of the clicks on any results page.
Paid search might not be something you think of when you consider inbound marketing. Although inbound is all about organic search and attracting customers to your brand, PPC fits within the methodology too. It’s not interruptive like marketing from the past. Instead, it’s just another way for a customer to find the value they’re looking for.
Deliver your message exactly when prospects are looking
PPC requires a solid understanding of your customers. Who they are, what they’re looking for and how they’re looking for it. When you start working with us, we develop your buyer personas. This gives us the information we need to meet your prospects where they are.Choosing the right audience is really important for PPC. It’ll help you get the right people clicking your ads. Our team truly understands you and your business from all the research we carry out so we can set your campaigns to target your key target audience. This will get you the best results and help you see a positive ROI through this marketing channel. All that time we spend planning your strategy - that extensive persona research gives us the information we need to reach the right people at the right time.
Make sure you’re meeting your prospects where they are
Understanding your audience and the challenges they’re facing is the first step, but next we identify exactly what they’re looking for. Our research shows us which keywords are worth your time and which aren’t. This allows us to manage spend effectively to help maximise your ROI.Some of the paid channels we use

“We have been working with Avidly for over 5 years on PPC, SEO and Inbound Marketing - they regularly meet with us to understand our overall company objectives & work with us to achieve these. The team are very results focused & have been instrumental in our online growth over the last number of years. I would highly recommend the team, for any company looking for a pro-active, results focused partner.”
Victoria Crowe, Shoes for Crews Europe