Originally written: November 2016
Blog Updated: December 2019
You’ve probably reached the stage where inbound marketing looks like the best fit for your business’ needs. But you’ve got another question to answer - should you set up an in-house team or work with an established agency?
Setting up an in-house team might sound exciting, but here’s why you should hire an inbound marketing agency instead.
1. Agencies are experienced
An inbound marketing agency will already have years of experience. Their teams will be trained and have practical experience carrying out inbound plans for businesses like yours.
Most importantly, they’ll understand the inbound methodology like scientists understand the periodic table. Or like football pundits understand the offside rule. Or another appropriate metaphor that tells you we really know what we’re talking about.
Why not take the time to explore the HubSpot directory? You’ll be able to search through the top, most experienced HubSpot Partners and read the reviews for yourself - you’ll even find us!
Furthermore, check out our portfolio to see a number of brilliant inbound features we’ve created for our clients.
2. Agencies provide specialised skill sets
It takes a lot of employees to create inbound marketing campaigns. Hiring an in-house team can be expensive when you consider what skills and specialities you want your new employees to have.
When it comes to inbound, you’ll need staff who have experience in: content creation, SEO, social media, CMS, web design and most importantly, they’ll need to be trained to use your inbound software. With an agency, each person has their own specialities and you get immediate access to all their different skills and experience.
At Digital 22, we're proud of the expertise we can provide to our clients as we’ve invested in a team of knowledgeable, passionate marketers. Every tactic of the inbound methodology such as SEO, content, video and social has a specialist delivering its impact, all in house. We’re one of the only agencies in the UK who works like this.
3. You can hit the ground faster
An in-house team can take up to six months to get trained on the software and methodology. You need them to understand the inbound methodology before they can start creating and enforcing your marketing strategy. Otherwise, your marketing will struggle to achieve a positive impact.
Agencies are trained to help businesses get their inbound strategies up and running quickly. Look at the table below from HubSpot’s State of Inbound report 2018. When asked, companies stated their top priorities are inbound practices.
From HubSpot's State of Inbound 2018 Report (get your own free copy here)
4. Agencies can save you money
Hiring the services of an inbound marketing agency is cheaper than hiring a new in-house team. With an in-house team, it costs time and money, waiting for them to attend relevant training courses.
If you’ve got one marketing campaign, imagine paying one monthly sum for an agency rather than 15 for a whole department of marketing employees.
5. Take fewer risks with an agency
Because of the accumulated years of experience an agency will have, you’ll need less margin for errors. Issues with agencies do crop up - sometimes because of changes in your business or the market itself, they’re totally unavoidable!
Even if they do, a top quality agency is made up of collaborative consultants who want to get the best out of campaigns as much as you do. In the event of an issue, an agency will work with you to determine what caused the problem and then use their combined experience to think of a creative solution for you.
At Digital 22, we’ve experienced a variety of challenges over the years and have seen pretty much all there is to see in inbound. We’ve come out the other side of these challenges tougher and more experienced than ever, enabling us to deliver hundreds of inbound campaigns over the years.
6. Outsourcing saves on office space
Another benefit of an agency is that you don't have to furnish new office space for your inbound team because an agency will already have their own office to work from. We definitely do so why not pop in for a look?
7. Avoid the issues of outbound marketing
Outbound is your traditional marketing methodology. Posters, print advertisements, television and paid web marketing. It’s known as ‘spray and pray’ because you throw your money at things in the hopes that it will pay off.
In the inbound vs. outbound marketing debate, inbound is much more effective for how customers’ wants, needs and experiences have changed.
8. Agencies help set realistic, attainable targets
It's important to remember that inbound marketing is long-term marketing, and it takes time to attract new visitors and convert them. Creating unrealistic goals will make you feel like you're underachieving and will risk the chance of you jumping ship before the real results start to come in.
Based on our experience, it takes about six-nine months for you to start making a real impact and seeing genuine results.
To see the long-term strategy of working with an inbound marketing agency, with in-depth insight into things like content creation, website optimisation and also expected results, download our ‘A Year In Inbound’ resource.
9. Gain the best objective feedback
An inbound agency looks at your business from a different perspective and can determine what is and isn't working.
Think about it, we’ve already been through the issues and roadblocks you might come up against - and triumphed! We’ve learnt from past hardships and can implement our learned knowledge so that you can experience the most seamless campaign possible.
10. Make the best use of your marketing software
HubSpot is the recommended inbound software for businesses. As an all-in HubSpot agency, we use the software every day. When you're paying for new software, it's obvious you want to get the best out of it and get your money's worth. With a trained agency, you can be confident everything you're paying for is being used.
Don’t believe that we know what we’re talking about? Watch our interview with the founder of HubSpot, Brian Halligan, who said “You guys are the best.”
11. Generate brand promoters and increase word-of-mouth
If your customers have a great experience on your website, then they’re much more likely to tell their friends about you. That’s what inbound is all about - delighting your customers. It’s why we work from a flywheel rather than a sales funnel.
12. Maintain the consistency of your content
Hiring an inbound marketing agency means you’ll also be hiring an experienced content marketing team. This team will get to grips with the market landscape of your industry, your business’ tone of voice and any other stylistic elements you want to use.
It means the content across the entirety of your site will remain consistent, with no grammar or spelling errors and most importantly, no factual errors. Why not check out one of our blogs to see how skilled our writers are?
(As a content marketer myself, I am in no way biased).
13. Develop the SEO impact of your website
Similar to hiring an experienced content team, an inbound marketing agency will have a number of skilled individuals whose sole purpose is to increase the impact of your website in terms of SEO.
Here at Digital 22, we’ve helped a number of businesses improve their websites and show up at the very top of search engine results sites. If you search ‘inbound marketing agency’ on Google, we’re in the top four out of 27.9 million results.
Looks like our SEO experts are doing their jobs!
14. Experience the most innovative tools and resources
Along with getting the best out of your inbound marketing software, agencies will have access to lots of other tools and software which they use on a daily basis. These are SEO, PPC, Content, Design and many other kinds.
If you're working with an agency, they will automatically use these tools to help you get the best results - so, in the end, your marketing strategy is benefiting from premium tools without you having to pay for them.
15. Focus entirely on the inbound process
Remember, the success of an inbound plan depends on being able to attract new visitors, convert them into contacts and then nurture them into becoming customers. If you're unable to provide your full attention to your ideal buyer personas, you're going to struggle to achieve your objectives.
An inbound marketing agency has a team ready and available to carry out your strategy and make it as effective as possible. So while they're handling everything inbound, you’ll have more time to focus on other important tasks, such as event planning or advertising.
Who are Digital 22?
We're an inbound marketing agency that has experience working with a fantastic range of businesses (B2B and B2C). Over the last couple of years, we've been growing, fast, and we're working with companies in the UK, Europe and the US.
We know inbound marketing so well that we’ve even won a bunch of awards, such as four HubSpot Impact Awards. We were also named HubSpot Partner of the Year in 2018. Go us!
We're a creative bunch of individuals and we've worked with brand new businesses and those that have been around for years that are searching for a new and modern approach to marketing. Unlike some agencies that have a habit of subcontracting work to other agencies, we don't. All our work is done in-house.
So those are the benefits of hiring an inbound agency. Convinced it’s the right path for you? If you still need more information, we’ve got the best resource to help you with your decision.
Find the perfect inbound marketing agency for you
If you’re looking for an in-depth summation of what an inbound marketing agency can do for you, check out our guide.
In it you’ll find explanations on HubSpot partner agencies, marketing software, inbound strategies and what to look for in a marketing agency.
Interested? Click below to get started.