By now, you must have heard just how important inbound video is to your marketing efforts. However,...
Written content is always going to be important, but since production became accessible to everyone during the past decade - video is a MUST HAVE. But that doesn’t mean you instantly need to go out and invest in five videographers and the most expensive piece of equipment on the market.

You can get started with your laptops right through to your phones to create high-quality videos. To get started, here are nine videos you should definitely consider having on your website.
Research from HubSpot has shown that more than 50 percent of consumers want to see videos from business, more than any other type of content. The great thing about it is that your current team is able to dive straight in. With that in mind, click on the links below to learn more about each video type you should include.
- About Us
- Meet the Team
- What We Do/Demo Videos
- Event Videos
- How-to Videos
- Video Interviews/Podcasts
- Explainer Videos
- Case Studies and Testimonials
- Live Videos
About us
Visitors on your website shouldn’t only have one way of finding out about you. While having text to explain the important things about your company is necessary, a video on your ‘About Us’ section offers something different to visitors.
It’s a great way to introduce your company. It’s an opportunity to give an overview of your company, what you do, your mission, your services and more. But it's also the best way of helping prospective clients "put a face to a name" and get to know your people, even before they work with you. Doing this audibly and visually is miles more effective than just using page copy.
Meet the team
Visitors that are thinking about working with you will obviously take up the option to see who is doing all of the hard work behind the scenes. While text is still an option to read more about each individual team member, a video where they’re able to virtually meet your team is a lot more engaging.
They’re able to provide more information about themselves, show off their expertise and any other information which is a lot quicker to digest. Putting a face, voice and personality to a team member can help build a relationship with your visitors.
What we do/demo videos
Don’t just limit your videos to talking about your company and introducing your team. They’re great, but actually showing your services or product and how they work can help turn a visitor into a contact.
It can be anything from giving a virtual tour of the software you use and how it can be used or even an unboxing. They’d appreciate you staying transparent to make them feel more at ease.
Event videos
If you’re regularly attending or hosting events, then it would be a shame if you didn’t record them. They’re a great resource to have by placing them on your website which can be packed full of knowledge for first time or repeat visitors.
You can even give options. You might have recorded the full four-hour event which might interest some viewers which gives them a deeper insight into your event and could tempt them to attend the next one.

However, producing a highlight reel or showing interesting interview snippets can be just as engaging and more digestible.
How-to videos
This is a big one and it’s a type of educational video that your entire team can dive into and create. These how-to videos can be used to teach your audience something new, such as showing them software. Marketers can use it to show how to build workflows, for example.
It can be stretched to content and design teams as well as development. It’s a perfect way to create plenty of short, educational videos and place them into a hub for all of your visitors to easily learn about a topic they’re interested in.
It’s also a chance for visitors to understand what it is you do and how you have solutions to their problems - rather than reading a big chunk of text for each topic.
Video interviews/podcasts
If you’ve had the chance to interview industry leaders or you podcast regularly, then it’s no good hiding the where nobody can find it. Although podcasts are usually audio-based, it’s still great to give visitors the option to view them rather than just listen.

Not only does it make you look like a leader in your field by showing you’re able to secure big-name interviews, but these videos can also entice viewers to tune in every week when you add videos frequently.

Explainer videos
Explainer videos aren’t exactly like the how-to videos you can produce. This is more along the lines of helping your audience better understand why they need your services.
This can include creating an explainer video to send your audience on a fictional journey of your main buyer persona and highlighting all of the big pain points that you have a solution for. This explainer video can help your audience overcome their issues by buying into your solution.

Case studies and testimonials
Before visitors even think about getting in touch or using your service, they’re going to want to see your track record. No proof of the excellent work you’ve done over the years might suggest that you’re hiding something, while visitors might not have time to read endless amounts of copy highlighting how amazing you are.
A better alternative can be to create short videos to highlight your case studies by showing data and the success you’ve had. Along with this, having real people and businesses you’ve worked with create short videos singing your praises shows visitors that it’s all genuine.
They’re your greatest advocates, so get them in front of a camera to describe how you helped overcome all of their challenges.
Live videos
Live videos of something worthwhile are great to shoot. These types of videos give a more natural and raw feeling with no full post-edit. It acts as sort of a ‘behind the scenes’ video which can give an insight into your day-to-day running as a business, setting up events, what goes into podcasting etc.
It’s also proven to draw a lot more engagement than standard videos. In fact, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg also claimed that live videos are going to be prioritised on the platform and this can help draw traffic to your website if you also host live videos there.
Research has also shown that viewers spend over eight times longer on live videos than with video on demand. By creating live videos and encouraging engagement, you’ll have plenty of success.
It’s time to make inbound video a core focus and use video to transform your whole company
A lot of importance needs to go on video marketing in inbound. Don’t just leave it as an afterthought as there’s a lot to take advantage of which can be done easily on an iPhone, for example. Even that can contribute towards success.
At the same time, don’t just make videos for the sake of it. Not everything on your website is going to need a video, and you don’t want to diminish the quality of your videos or even your reputation by being famous for throwing in low-quality videos at every stage.
It’s all about creating quality video content for the buyer’s journey and catering for each phase of research. It’s not just for entertainment and educational purposes either. It’s been proven that videos on landing pages can increase conversion rates by a massive 80 percent while 90 percent of customers have admitted that videos help them make buying decisions.
The videos you record and upload can help greatly for converting prospects and delighting customers. Overall, engaging videos are incredibly useful all over the flywheel without the emphasis entirely being on raising brand awareness. It can be used for so much more.
But, as we said, video isn't just for marketers either. Sales, recruitment, HR, project management, client or customer relations can all leverage video.
You just need the right tools an some strategic alignment. Getting video baked into any area of your business improves communication and efficiencies.
You can find out more about how video can transform your business via this button...
Soak up more knowledge on all things inbound marketing
Video marketing is just one of the many components you should be aware of and using for inbound marketing success. There’s still a lot more you can do outside of video to boost your results and make each campaign better than the last. That’s why we’ve created a handy easy-to-read guide so you can learn more about all things inbound marketing.
There’s information on the new flywheel, the methodology and even more information regarding the rise of video marketing. To learn more about the topic, hit the link below to get your free copy.