For a company that has true ambitions of sustainable growth, the alignment of their sales and...
“Breakthroughs only happen when you are completely and utterly blocked.”
This was the beginning of Meghan Keaney Anderson’s talk at LOVE INBOUND 2020. Anderson is the VP of Marketing at HubSpot, so as you can imagine, she knows her stuff.
During her first five years at HubSpot, Keaney enjoyed an ever-increasing amount of views on their content. But then, in 2011 - disaster. Those views started plateauing, in what Keaney calls “The Great Flattening.” Her talk at LOVE INBOUND covers how the HubSpot team evolved their content strategy to get over this lull.
“The moment you push past your fear and you channel that fear into curiosity, is the moment when magical things start to happen.”
In 2017, Keaney and her team discovered a few important things that were affecting their views. Structure was beating volume, Google was reclaiming its territory and social media had become a walled garden.
Keaney told the enthralled listeners that companies that publish 16+ blog posts per month got almost 3.5x more traffic than companies that published 0-4. But over time, HubSpot moved to Content Pillars to accurately reflect what Google was looking for in content.
The main thrust of Keaney’s talk was to keep content creation agile and adapted to the current demands of SERPs and consumers. She also stated that one of the best ways to make sure your content is effective is to try and capture the featured snippet on the first page of Google search results.
(The video also includes some really great advice on how to capture the snippet.)
Here are some of the key takeaways from Meghan’s insightful talk:
- Marketing moves fast, but the half-lives of outdated practices are long.
- “Every piece of content you have is like front-door to your site. Of course, the more doors you have, the more traffic you have.”
- Structure informs Google about what is trustworthy and so, instead of creating lots of blogs, we need to create a smaller amount of blogs but structure them wisely.
- Optimising posts is important - it leads to more views on less content.
There’s so much more to Keaney’s talk than what we can say here, so why not scroll up, press play and learn how to evolve your content strategy? After playing the video, why not listen to the talks of our other stellar speakers?
- Yaniv Siegel from Vidyard - Humanising the sales process.
- Paul Mortimer - Blog length vs user experience.
- Kirsty Hulse - Super charge your ideas to get better results.
- Rikki Lear & special guests - Inbound in action.
- Luke Carthy - How to smash Google Analytics for eCommerce.
- Luke Summerfield - Building a peak performing website in 2020.
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